Program profiles

Our Pandemic Year

Our Pandemic Year

Responding to shifting guidelines, overcoming technical hurdles, building new programs, maintaining our areas of strength and ensuring our teams are safe, both physically and emotionally – this has been the drumbeat of the last twelve months at The Alex.

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Growing, Cooking, and Sharing during COVID-19

Growing, Cooking, and Sharing during COVID-19

As the world closed its doors in late March, the staff at The Alex Community Food Centre had to look inward and ask ourselves “What does a community resource like the CFC look like without the bustling energy of our weekly meals, the laughter of the kids in our cooking classes, and the welcoming smiles of our volunteers greeting people at the doors? How do we deliver the comforts and kindness that are the values of our programs during a time of physical distancing?”

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How do you self-isolate without a home?

How do you self-isolate without a home?

The Assisted Self-Isolation Site (ASIS) is a collaboration between The Alex, Calgary Homeless Foundation, HomeSpace, and CUPS. The rooms are for those who have tested positive, are waiting for test results, have symptoms or have come into contact with a known case and don’t have a home where they can properly isolate. The staff provide not only medical support, but also mental health and addiction resources.

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